The current anti-smoking campaign is
not about public health or drug abuse...
It is about
CONTROL... They want it!
Manipulative Advertising
Anti-smoking zealots hypocritically condemn alledged tobacco industry
advertisment targeting youth, claiming their persuasive nature of capturing
youngsters by the smoking message.
Cheryl Perry, a University of
Minnesota expert on youth smoking, said internal tobacco industry documents
show that cigarette makers considered underage smokers critical to their future
Testifying on behalf of the state and Blue Cross and Blue
Shield of Minnesota in their lawsuit to recover $1.77 billion, she pointed to,
in one example, a 1963 ad showed Jed Clampett and his family riding in their
jalopy alongside a Winston cigarette truck. The "Beverly Hillbillies" theme
ended with the sponsor's slogan, "Winston tastes good, like a cigarette
Perry also cited TV commercials featuring "The Flintstones"
and the Marlboro man and print ads for Camel cigarettes featuring the cartoon
character Joe Camel. There is also the Kool ad that showed a long-legged,
scantily clad woman on a beach gazing into the eyes of a man. Both are smoking
Kools. Almost everyone would object strongly to being manipulated
mentally, right?
Anti-smoking advertising certainly is not
guilt-free in this manipulation. The current wave of anti-smoking ads are
clearly designed to play with your mind and turn the focus of the debate to
Six months after the campaign shown to the left began in
Kansas, local residents opinions about secondhand
smoking showed a change. A survey taken by the Kansas Health Foundation
found that the number of smokers who agreed that secondhand smoke is harmful to
others had increased from 68 percent to 82 percent. The number of people who
agreed that secondhand smoke is dangerous to children had increased from 74
percent to 93 percent.
Out of one side of their mouths politicians
like Senator Kennedy and others speak about protecting the health of children
by regulating cigarettes. Out of the other side of their mouths they
indoctrinate your children with dancing condoms encouraging them to have
so-called "safe sex," protect the abortionists right to kill millions of
children every year, shoot up our children with deadly vaccines, defend
Hollywood's portrayal of homosexuality as the "new normal", and promote needle exchanges to make shooting
heroin safer. What hypocrisy!
What about the diet soft
drink industry pushing their aspartame laden drinks to children and adults
alike? In at least
one study, rats on aspartame developed tumors the size of
golf balls or greater and other health issues, such as paralysis, difficulty
walking, spasmodic torticollis (also called dystonia, where the neck is twisted
and the head continually tilted to one side), infected and bleeding eyes, skin
lesions, thinning and yellowing fur, and obesity.
The massive
pharmaceutical industrial complex is also behind the propaganda of those
communities pushing to add fluoride poison to public drinking water.
Organizations like the Kansas Health Foundation doesn't seem to have any
problem with lying to the public about fluoride similar to what they did in
their anti-smoking campaigns.
So, Why Do People
Choose to Smoke?
Kids smoke because they think it's cool, this is how to
impress girls, because of peer pressure, and because of lack of parental
supervision. The inducement for underage smoking starts with the home, school
and the individual, not marketing techniques. Young people smoke because their
parents do, or their friends pressured them to.
Newt Gingrich
said the Joe Camel ad campaign had nothing to do with teen smoking. The greater
cause was the example of Hollywood stars smoking on screen, he said. The White
House responded by accusing Gingrich of defending Big Tobacco's interests. Does
that sound a little reminicent of Hillary's charge that all the accusations
brought against her husband was orchestrated by a "vast right wing conspiracy"?
If Clinton is so concerned about the effects of media on children's
smoking behavior why doesn't he press Hollywood producers to sign a "no smoking
on screen" pledge? Why stop there? If Clinton is so convinced that smoking is
killing our children, why doesn't he move to ban
tobacco altogether?
Why not?
Because Bill Clinton doesn't
care about your children. Here's a man responsible for providing cocaine to
14-year-old girls in exchange for sex ... and you think he's concerned about
their health?
If stopping tobacco marketing and promotion is such a
pivotal issue in curbing teen smoking, I wonder what advertisments Jess Willard
Harris saw when he began smoking in 1924? Or I wonder what role Joe Camel had
in the deaths of Jeanne's mother, brother, father, husband, and son who all
died of heart attacks. How about Dorothy Ann Oster Wollard, 1920-1987, who
began smoking in 1935. I wonder what Marlboro Man billboard she saw? Other
victims of tobacco advertising surely include Gilbert Leo Meyer (born in 1927)
and Marilyn Jean Kliebhan Meyer( born in 1932), both of whom began smoking as a
teenager. These and others were part of INFACT's Face the Faces Photo Project
where they attempted to blame the tobacco industry of promoting smoking to
These hypocritical anti-smoking folks really don't care about
your children. They are only using your children to heap false guilt on smokers
and to further alienate you from the non-smoking folks.
politics of division ... and your
children are the pawns!